
"use strict"
 * Contains the methods to trigger and handle events.
 * @private
 * @exports event
const event = exports

const html = require("@cosmic-plus/domutils/es5/html")

const format = require("./format")

/** *** Click events *****/

 * Set the click handler for **type** HTML elements as **callback**.
 * @example
 * cosmicLib.config.setClickHandler('address', showAddressPopup)
 * @param {string} type Type of a transaction/operation field such as
 *     `address`, `asset`, `hash`, ...
 * @param {function} callback A function that accept one `event` argument
event.setClickHandler = function (conf, type, callback) {
  conf.clickHandlers[type] = callback

 * Remove the current click handler for **type**.
 * @example
 * cosmicLib.config.clearClickHandler('address')
 * @param {string} type Type of a transaction/operation field such as
 *     `address`, `asset`, `hash`, ...
event.clearClickHandler = function (conf, type) {
  conf.clickHandlers[type] = undefined

event.callClickHandler = function (conf, type, event) {
  const handler = conf.clickHandlers[type]
  event.extra = event.domNode.extra
  event.field = event.domNode.field
  event.tdesc = format.parentTdesc(conf, event.domNode)
  event.odesc = format.parentOdesc(conf, event.domNode)
  event.index = format.parentIndex(conf, event.domNode)
  if (handler) handler(event)

 * The active click handlers. Takes the form:
 * ```
 * cosmicLib.config.clickHandlers = {
 *   type1: callback1,
 *   ...
 *   typeN: callbackN
 * }
 * ```
 * Thoses click handlers are set by default:
 * * **address**: A prompt that shows the address details
 * * **id**: A function that copy the id into the clipboard
 * * **hash**: A function that copy the hash into the clipboard or show a prompt
 *   for preimage signature when relevant
 * ```
event.defaultClickHandlers = {
  address: function (event) {
    if (!event.extra) return
    let message = ""
    for (let field in event.extra) {
      message += `${field}:\n` + `${event.extra[field]}\n\n`
  hash: function (event) {
    const grandma = event.domNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
    if (grandma.classList.contains("cosmiclib_signers")) {
      const preimage = prompt("Please enter preimage:")
      if (preimage) event.cosmicLink.sign(preimage)
    } else {
  id: (event) => html.copyString(event.value)