Query cheatsheet

/** Link general syntax **/

/** Meta fields  (optionals) **/
horizon={url}    // Fallback, only for custom networks

/** Transaction fields (optionals) **/
&memo={message}|{memoType}:{memoValue}    // memoType = text|id|hash|return

/** Operations fields **/

Optional: &source={address}

Optional: &authorize=false&source={address}

Optional: &source={address}

Optional: &limit={integer}&source={address}

Optional: &source={address}

Optional: &source={address}

Note: buying or selling can be omitted for XLM.
Note: createPassiveOffer is still supported for backward compatibility.
Optional: &source={address}

Optional: &source={address}

Optional: &value={string}&source={address}

Note: buying or selling can be omitted for XLM.
Optional: &offerId={integer}&source={address}
Delete offer: ...?type=manageBuyOffer&offerId={integer}&amount=0

Note: buying or selling can be omitted for XLM.
Note: manageOffer is still supported for backward compatibility.
Optional: &offerId={integer}&source={address}
Delete offer: ...?type=manageSellOffer&offerId={integer}&amount=0

Note: destAsset or sendAsset can be omitted for XLM.
Note: pathPayment is still supported for backward compatibility.
Optional: &path={asset1,asset2,...,assetN}&source={address}

Note: destAsset or sendAsset can be omitted for XLM.
Optional: &path={asset1,asset2,...,assetN}&source={address}

Optional: &asset={assetCode}:{assetIssuer}&source={address}

Optional: &inflationDest={address}&clearFlags={integer}&setFlags={integer}&masterWeight={weight}
Note: signer type can be `key`, `tx` or `hash`.