
"use strict"
 * Library-wide configuration.
 * @borrows module:aliases.all as aliases
 * @borrows module:aliases.set as addAliases
 * @borrows module:aliases.remove as removeAliases
 * @borrows module:event.defaultClickHandlers as clickHandlers
 * @borrows module:event.setClickHandler as setClickHandler
 * @borrows module:event.clearClickHandler as clearClickHandler
 * @exports config
const config = exports

const aliases = require("@cosmic-plus/base/es5/aliases")
const env = require("@cosmic-plus/jsutils/es5/env")
const StellarSdk = require("@cosmic-plus/base/es5/stellar-sdk")

const event = env.isBrowser && require("./event")

 * The base URI to build cosmic links.
 * @default ''
 */ = ""
 * The default fallback network.
 * @default 'public'
 */ = "public"
 * The default fallback source address.
 * @default undefined
config.source = undefined

 * Networks setup.
 * @private
config.current = {
  passphrase: {},
  horizon: {},
  server: {}

 * Set default **passphrase** and **horizon** URL for network **name**.
 * Adding custom network this way will enable the use of their name in cosmic
 * queries (as in `&network=name`). However, please remind that this feature
 * will works only on your side and could break compatibility with other
 * services.
 * @example
 * cosmicLib.config.setupNetwork('public', '')
 * cosmicLib.config.setupNetwork('custom', '', 'My Custom Passphrase')
 * @param {string} name Network name (like 'public', 'test')
 * @param {string} horizon Horizon URL
 * @param {string} [passphrase] Network passphrase
config.setupNetwork = function (name, horizon, passphrase) {
  if (passphrase) config.current.passphrase[name] = passphrase
  else passphrase = config.current.passphrase[name]
  config.current.horizon[passphrase] = horizon


config.aliases = aliases.all
config.addAliases = (definitions) => aliases.set(config, definitions)
config.removeAliases = (array) => aliases.remove(config, array)

config.clickHandlers = event.defaultClickHandlers
config.setClickHandler = (fieldType, callback) =>
  event.setClickHandler(config, fieldType, callback)
config.clearClickHandler = (fieldType) =>
  event.clearClickHandler(config, fieldType)